Steam Remote Downloads Now Available Online,

Hikikomori Mint Data ostatniej zmiany: 2012-05-18 18:43:06

Steam Remote Downloads Now Available Online,

2012-05-16 21:45:06 - Hikikomori Mint

Steam Remote Downloads Now Available Online
Announcement - Valve
Available immediately, users? Steam library of games can now be managed
remotely via the web. With an active Steam client running on the remote
PC or Mac, users may log into the Steam web site or mobile app to access
and manage their library of games, downloading pre-loads, new releases,
or their latest purchases, as soon as they?re available. Head home to
find your new downloads installed and ready to play upon arrival.

i jak sie Wam podoba? :D

Jaki kraj takie waka waka. Polacy, nic się nie stało...

Mamy EURO, nie mamy kolejnych firm...,76784,w.html

Re: Steam Remote Downloads Now Available Online,

2012-05-17 08:55:40 - Rais

Hikikomori Mint pisze:
> Steam Remote Downloads Now Available Online
> i jak sie Wam podoba? :D

Ciekawe co będzie dalej.

Re: Steam Remote Downloads Now Available Online,

2012-05-17 12:03:29 - kamil

On 17/05/2012 07:55, Rais wrote:
> Hikikomori Mint pisze:
>> Steam Remote Downloads Now Available Online
> (...)
>> i jak sie Wam podoba? :D
> Ciekawe co będzie dalej.

Jeszcze 3-4 lata i może uda im się dodać funkcję ograniczania transfery
na downloady. Tylko wiesz, zaawansowana technologia, setki programistów,
to kosztuje więc musi potrwać.


Re: Steam Remote Downloads Now Available Online,

2012-05-18 16:52:21 - M.G.

On Wed, 16 May 2012 21:45:06 +0200, Hikikomori Mint wrote:

> Steam Remote Downloads Now Available Online
> Announcement - Valve
> Available immediately, users? Steam library of games can now be managed
> remotely via the web. With an active Steam client running on the remote
> PC or Mac, users may log into the Steam web site or mobile app to access
> and manage their library of games, downloading pre-loads, new releases,
> or their latest purchases, as soon as they?re available. Head home to
> find your new downloads installed and ready to play upon arrival.
> i jak sie Wam podoba? :D

Nie wiem ale ostro lecisz na tej gitarce:


Re: Steam Remote Downloads Now Available Online,

2012-05-18 18:43:06 - Hikikomori Mint

On 18.05.2012 16:52, M.G. wrote:

> Nie wiem ale ostro lecisz na tej gitarce:
takie tam pitu pitolenie ;)
nie wiedzialem, ze plyte wydalem ;)

Polacy, nic się nie stało... Mamy EURO, nie mamy kolejnych firm.,76784,w.html

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